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We began our infertility journey in 2014 and were referred to Dr Donahue by our OB! They gave us so many different options that they felt we had a chance of success at. We ultimately had to do 2 IUI's and 3 rounds of IVF but we are now expecting our little miracle in Nov 2017! Thank you just does not say enough! Infertility is a very difficult road confusing and overwhelming but Dr Donahue and his entire staff Leah, Kim, Chelsea, Josh(embryologist), everyone was absolutely amazing! We never once felt judged or like we had a dumb question! They are just as involved in your journey as you are! They truly love and care for their patients! I know I called Leah and Kim hundreds of times and they were awesome! If I ever had an issue out of office hours Dr Donahue was so quick to get back to me no matter what he was doing in his off time whether with his family or not his patients are very important to him! We love everyone here and they will always have a place in our hearts!
My husband and I struggled with infertility for 4 years after having our daughter...I know, weird. We were ready to give up on having another child of our own when I came across Family Beginnings. I checked out the website and came across a tab which read "email the doctor." So, I emailed the doctor at 8:30 on a Sunday evening explaining our situation. Truthfully, I wasn't expecting a response at all. I figured I had to make an appointment. 30 minutes later my phone pinged and I had a response from Dr. Donahue. Wow! Later that week we had a 1 hour consultation and the road to baby #2 began. I drove that office crazy. I called with a zillion questions and concerns and they treated me like a real person and not a woman who just escaped from the psych ward. I love them and owe them my 2nd born.